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Commissioning of voluntary throughcare and mentoring services: Research findings December 2023

REPORTS AND STATS | 18th December 2023

Community Justice Scotland (CJS) has a remit to promote smart justice based on the best evidence for individuals who are currently serving or have served prison or community-based sentences.

CJS will take over the commissioning process of voluntary throughcare and mentoring services for people leaving prison following a short-term sentence and period of remand in 2025. To support this and to provide a foundation for the planning and delivery of these services in the future, CJS have produced a suite of research papers that help to understand the current service provision, the needs of people accessing services and the strategic context in which existing and future services operate.

Three papers have been produced that sit alongside previously published primary research findings:

Link to read: Research summary paper

Link to read: Literature review

Link to read: Demographic profile