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Glasgow Criminal Justice Tenancy Sustainment Service

Last updated: 23rd September 2024

Support Type:


Need supported:

  • Accommodation / Homelessness
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Life Skills
  • Re-integration
  • Sexual Offending
  • Social Isolation


The service supports men and women within the justice system to successfully reintegrate into the community by implementing a robust risk assessment and risk management plan to ensure the safety of the individual and the wider community. Where indicated by the risk management plan we will provide a holistic approach with Criminal Justice Social Work, Homeless Casework or Police Scotland ensuring that collaborative communication is maintained to minimise risk.

We aim to develop skills and coping strategies to reduce offending, encourage positive change and improve their life chances. We provide a person-centred approach that aims to assist people to develop the necessary tenancy sustainment skills to live independently in temporary accommodation and ease the transition to their own secure tenancy in the future. The service works closely with key partners such as Criminal Justice Social Work, Police Scotland, Scottish Prison Service, Homeless Casework Teams and Addiction Services to offer specialised support to men and women often facing the most complex and challenging situations. The service is a key contributor to Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) and Care Programme Approach meetings (CPA).

To reduce the risk of repeat offending and homelessness, we support individuals to address any underlying causes of the offending behaviour such as mental health issues or problematic drug and/or alcohol use. We work in a trauma informed way to support people to build community and be active citizens within it by providing opportunities for local inclusion, education, TPS Connects, and our Citizenship approach helps people engage in meaningful activity to build confidence and resilience.

Suitability criteria:

  • All genders
  • Middle-aged adult (36-55), Older adult (56 and older), Young adult (18-35)


No exclusions apply if service criteria is met and the risk level is manageable considering the service offers low to medium floating support.

Assessment/referral process:

  • Social work

Social work submit a referral to ‘Fraser, Serena (Social Work)’ and Angelene Brown (CJSW Manager) to scan for suitability for the service. Alternatively this process is carried out by Prison Caseworker and sent to Karen McDonald (HSCP Prison Casework Manager). Referral is uploaded to SharePoint by Serena or Karen and an email is sent to the Managers of the service. The Manager accesses SharePoint and downloads the referral to the services individual Shared drive network and stored in the awaiting allocations folder. The service stores the data in TPS database accessed only by authorised persons. Once allocated to a Lead Practitioner regular communication between the service user, Criminal Justice social worker or PCT Caseworker is established and maintained.