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Community Justice Outcome Activity Across Scotland Annual Report 2018-19

INSIGHT | 31st March 2020

We are pleased to introduce the second annual report on community justice outcome activity across Scotland for the period 2018-19.

The report captures the collaborative work between community justice partners in local areas and demonstrates the delivery of services designed to reduce offending and further offending. The inclusion of examples of community justice in action across many areas should serve as an opportunity for real discussion about ways in which we can move closer towards the achievement of national community justice outcomes.

While local areas report considerable innovation and drive towards achieving national outcomes, the evidence and analysis within this report highlights the need to:

  • ensure people affected by the justice system and their communities are at the heart of local planning
  • revise the Outcomes, Performance and Improvement (OPI) Framework
  • ensure that local community justice priorities and actions are underpinned by robust and meaningful data and information
  • prioritise key areas of activity including diversion, bail supervision and support and reintegration
  • ensure local and national structures and working arrangements support the delivery of community justice outcomes

Local and national partners across Scotland will need to consider how to respond to the areas of improvement highlighted within this report.

Click here to download the full report.