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Community Payback Order (CPO) Annual Returns Template

INSIGHT | 10th July 2024

Below are the links to the Community Payback Order (CPO) template and the accompanying covering letter from the Scottish Government, which provides more information on the CPO template for the year 2023-2024.

The CPO annual returns template contains questions to be answered by each local authority in Scotland. Community Justice Scotland (CJS) will collect the completed templates and produce a summary report to be submitted to Parliament by 31 March 2025, in accordance with the Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1995.

The deadline for submitting completed returns is 29 September 2024. Please send all completed templates to CJS at and copy the Scottish Government at

CJS will notify local authorities when the summary report will be laid in Parliament and published. Thank you to all the local authorities for taking the time to complete this year’s template.