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Samantha Reekie

Improvement Lead (Commissioning)

Samantha Reekie

Samantha's role

Samantha has a strong background in information analysis and is part of Community Justice Scotland’s team responsible for reviewing local community justice plans and performance data and providing feedback and support to local authorities and justice partners to help improve community justice outcomes.


With a BSc in Psychology, Samantha has a particular interest in social psychology. Her dissertation research looked at juror decision making and was presented to the European Association of Psychology and Law.

Her postgraduate studies led to an MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice from University of Glasgow in 2011 with a particular interest in deterrence from crime, including thesis research into use of Nudge Theory and Serious Organised Crime.

She worked as an Intelligence Analyst for Police Scotland for two years before being promoted to Higher Analyst leading a team of analysts across Scotland. She also completed a Diploma in Intelligence Analysis at the Scottish Police College and worked on various investigations, including Local Policing and Serious and Organised Crime operations.

Most recently, she worked for NHS Scotland as a Principal Information Analyst before taking up her post with Community Justice Scotland.

Recently published articles

The Justice Puzzle: Mapping the System