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Complex Need Co-ordination

Last updated: 18th July 2024

Support Type:


Need supported:

  • Accommodation / Homelessness
  • Alcohol
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Drugs
  • Employability / Training / Career
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Health / Wellbeing
  • Mental Health
  • Military Veterans
  • Older People
  • Personal Development
  • Re-integration
  • Sexual Offending
  • Short-term Prisoners
  • Women


Complex Needs Co-ordinator offers support to people following arrest, on remand and prison sentence. The Complex Needs Co-ordinator is a single point of contact for referrals from Police Scotland (Third Sector Organisation) referral, GEOAmey & Voluntary Throughcare (where Voluntary Throughcare Support has not been accepted by the national voluntary throughcare service). The Complex Needs Co-ordinator provides assertive outreach to people with complex needs, while working to link the person into relevant community supports.

Suitability criteria:

  • All genders
  • All ages

Assessment/referral process:

  • Any agency

No criteria. The Complex Needs Co-ordinator will attempt to engage with anyone referred. Referrals will be accepted via any source. Police Scotland complete a Third Sector Organisation (TSO) form emailed to Safer Communities Team; GEOAmey complete a agreed referral form (uploaded to Perth and Kinross Council Sharepoint site). Referrals can also be made by telephone directly to the Complex Needs Co-ordinator.