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Community Payback Order Supervision

Last updated: 28th July 2024


Where the order contains an offender supervision requirement, an individual must attend appointments as specified by justice social work for the purposes of promoting rehabilitation.

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Further Information:

One-Stop Women’s Learning Service (OWLS) delivered within a CPO Supervision Requirement: The service is delivered in a trauma informed environment enabling immediate and intensive access to interventions. Women who receive this Requirement are expected to engage with social work support to address underlying issues such as trauma, domestic abuse, mental health, relationships and substance issues which may be connected to their offending behaviour and criminogenic needs.

The aim of the intervention is to reduce offending behaviour and enable women to engage in a more positive way with their family and community. A crucial part of this work is supporting women to improve their self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth. Individual and group work supports are available.

EVOLVE is a new project which is aimed at men who are given a supervision requirement. In a similar fashion to OWLS, mentioned above, the project is gender specific and aimed at the needs of male offenders. The Evolve project looks to work with men in a trauma informed manner, using a combination of intensive one to one work, and a focussed programme of group work which will include activities designed to increase positive life chances and pro-social decision making for males who offend.