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Community Support available in Inverclyde

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Veterans Mentoring Service

Sacro’s Veterans Mentoring Service is a service for military veterans who are currently in or are at risk of becoming…

Personal Development

Inverclyde Community Development Trust (The Trust)

Provide opportunities for individuals and communities to realise and grow their potential. Provide services and employability support which offer a…

Short-term Prisoners

Moving On Inverclyde

Moving On Inverclyde is a free confidential service which supports people to achieve improved recovery from alcohol and/or drug use.…

Financial Inclusion

Financial Fitness

Financial Fitness is a charitable company providing free, independent and impartial welfare benefit and money advice services.


Inverclyde Recovery Community

Inverclyde recovery community is a partnership of peer led, person centred recovery initiatives, Recovery Café , drop-ins and support groups.

Young People

SAMH Gateways

Gateways Service is a commissioned service by Inverclyde Council and is in place to provide support to people aged 16…

Health / Wellbeing

Community Connectors

The emphasis of Community Connectors is on creating opportunities to bring people together, maintaining, encouraging and creating networks and friendships,…


Inverclyde Faith in Throughcare (IFIT)

Inverclyde Faith in Throughcare (IFIT) is a local charity that provides a link for people returning from prison to the…

Peer Mentoring

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD)

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs is a national charity which supports anyone affected by someone else’ alcohol or…

Peer Mentoring

Man On Inverclyde

Man On! exists to prevent suicides and enhance Wellbeing by providing safe, inclusive, relationship-focussed and trauma-informed environments that remove the…