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CPO Connect; The Wise Group

Last updated: 11th July 2024

Support Type:


Need supported:

  • Accommodation / Homelessness
  • Employability / Training / Career
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Health / Wellbeing
  • Mental Health
  • Personal Development


CPO Connect is a service delivered by the Wise Group which creates a secure and flexible way to complete Other Activity hours. Clients can attend a range of two-hour online sessions delivered by trained facilitators on a range of topics, many of which centre around mental health and personal growth.

Suitability criteria:

  • All genders
  • All ages

Assessment/referral process:

  • Social work

This may be included as part of an outline action plan in a CJSWR or determined by the case manager/social worker post sentence as part of the case management plan or as part of “other activity” for unpaid work requirements.

Further Information:

Team lead for Connect: Jill Kirkham 07790552582 Connect Mentors: Saul Duffy Simon Ross <