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Community Payback Order Unpaid Work

Last updated: 28th June 2024


Where the order contains an unpaid work or other activity requirement an individual must undertake unpaid work for a specified number of hours in the community. This should have a focus on reparation and providing a clear tangible benefit to the local community. It may also include requiring the individual to take responsibility for their own behaviour by spending time, through the “other activity” component of the requirement, on developing their interpersonal, educational, and vocational skills to support long-term desistance from offending.

Further Information:

Justice social work and third sector partners provide unpaid work options across the city. In addition, individual personal placements with charitable organisations are widely used, to provide the placements that meet individual needs best. This can support participants gaining new skills, access to training/ volunteering/ employability. Signposting on to other relevant universal services also helps provide support in other areas where need is identified. Local organisations and individuals can submit requests for unpaid work in the community. At the point of order (where appropriate) placements can be fast-tracked and begin work placement within 24 hours. Otherwise, further assessment can take place to ensure the most appropriate placement, including personal placements to suit individual need.